No introduction, lets get straight to it.
5. Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin) 30 Rock
Jack is one half sarcastic and the other half the man. He runs the GE company, oversees TGS with Tracy Jordan, and is also the head of GE's most financially viable department: Microwaves. He is not as overtly sarcastic as the rest of this list, but his whole delivery is one that says "I'm smarter than you and I know it"... and that counts in my book as sarcasm.
4. Jeff Winger (Joel McHale) Community
Jeff is the smooth talking former lawyer of the sophomore comedy Community. His biting sarcasm is delivered so quickly that may times it takes an extra 5-10 seconds to actually get the joke. I call this syndrome "joke lag" and it's a good thing, it makes re-watching episodes better.
3. Jim Halpert (John Krasinski) The Office
Jim has been the best main character on The Office since its inception. His pranks on Dwight carried the show throughout the slow season one, and brought in viewers during the exponentially better seasons two and three. His sarcasm is less biting than Winger's, his style is more egging Michael and Dwight on to even more ridiculous behavior. Can you say Gaydar?
2. Hank Moody (David Duchovany) Californication
Hank is incapable of treating people the way they deserve to be treated. Whether they are his subordinates, his superiors, women, men, people who help him or hurt him, they all (except his daughter) get the same callous overtly perverted sexual treatment. He says whatever he wants and pays for it, and that is why he is not number one on this list. He gets punched in the face on average once in every 3 episodes, unlike the top spot...
1. Greg House (Hugh Laurie) House
Everybody loves House. He thinks 3 steps ahead of everyone he knows, and through those means usually gets exactly what he wants. It is often pretty hard to tell the difference between what is sarcastic and what he's saying just to burrow deeper into peoples head. Good example of sarcasm: he uses a cane, when he needed a new one he asked the store owner "what do you have in bitchin'?" And when he finally settled on one he settle on the "one with the flames on the side, so it looks like I'm going faster." or this one from season one. The show is full of about 20 of these moments an episode, and it makes it one of the best shows on television.
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