Saturday, December 4, 2010

Show Review: Fringe Season 3 Episode 8: Entandra

      I'm officially trying to get people into Fringe now. The show sputtered a bit in the beginning, but Fringe is headed in the right direction. Each season has had a theme to it thus far. Season one was about figuring out the pattern, and realizing not only are there two worlds, but the other world had already begun the planning stages of a war. The second was about figure out how to fight the other more technologically advanced world, and try to figure out their end game. Thus far this season has been about intelligence gathering and espionage, or in other words the infancy stages of the war.
      In a huge twist at the end of last season, when the Fringe Division from our world went to the other world, Olivia 1 was captured and Olivia 2 took her place in our world, and immediately set her sights on getting as close to Peter as possible, since he is the centerpiece of the war. In Entandra her duplicity is finally figured out, using help from some tricky manuevers by Olivia 1 in the other world. The two ended up reswapping, and Broyles 1 got a dose of reality when he saw his alter ego dead in front of his eyes, because he [Broyles 2] helped Olivia 1 back to our world in hopes of a resolution to the conflict that did not result in total war.
      If you read that last paragraph and are completely lost, please don't let that make you hesitate to start watching Fringe. Think of it as X-Files for the 2010's. It's not that hard to get a grasp on, but you have to start from the beginning so you pick up on the general theme. If you've made it this far through the post, you've earned a decent sized Season 1 spoiler. After reading this spoiler you won't even need to watch season 1 for anything besides character development. The key to this show is that there is more than one of everything, in other words there are 2 universes. These two universes are destined to fight each other, because each world is killing the opposing world. They are like leeches to each other, causing constant disasters. Think of the two universes like Harry Potter and Voldemort, neither can live while the other still survives, because if one isn't broken then they will both drag each other down. It's definitely worth it to sit through the interesting, but somewhat boring season 1 (you don't have to after that spoiler though). Season 2 is good, and season 3 thus far has been the best show on tv besides Dexter.
Episode Ratings:
Overall Season Plot Rating: 9     This has been the episode I've been waiting for for a few weeks. All the swapped Olivia drama has been building to this, and I'm happy to say that the payoff didn't disappoint. I can't wait to see what happens with the story telling, will they continue the switching between each world, or stick to one universe at a time
Clean Slate Rating: 2      I'm going to call this TrueLife syndrome (MTV show). If you aren't caught up, you may think you know, but you have no idea what's going on. For the most part if you just saw Fringe for the first time Thursday you saw a lot of the same people playing different style characters and randomly point guns at each other. Catch up, don't just dive in head first.

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