Wednesday, December 1, 2010

New Show Review: The Walking Dead

      The Walking Dead is a brand new show on AMC. AMC kind of burst on to the scene of television drama's with their unbelievably successful show Mad Men. Since Mad Men they have produced another bonafide hit with their show about a high school chemistry teacher turned meth dealer in Breaking Bad. So needless to say AMC is doing drama the right way, but would that pattern of success continue with their new zombie show The Walking Dead?
      The answer quite simply is yes. I was going to go with my original plan of watch the pilot and then watch the fan favorite episode, but there was a hitch in that plan. The problem was, after the pilot I became a fan. So I watched #1, then 2, and before I knew it I caught myself up in one day.
      The show is great. It follows the classic zombie movie theme of man ends up in hospital and then wakes up to zombie apocalypse. The thing I really like about the show is that they don't get too married to their characters. In other words they are not afraid to kill off characters that the viewer comes to love. This is a big deal to me, and coincidentally one of my biggest beefs with 24 (there is n way Jack Bauer, as badass as he is, should still be alive). Shows based on death tend to let characters develop more than the story when viewers get attached. Except for the main character (a state trooper, who in the pilot rides a horse into a zombie town) this won't be a problem for The Walking Dead. My one and only complaint is the fragmented story lines. They mention, for example, going to retrieve a walkie talkie from a bag in the middle of a zombie town. They go get it and the walkie talkie isn't seen for another 2 episodes. This kind of sloppy story telling goes away with more seasons usually though. Actually one more complaint, it was only given a 6 episode season one, which means I'm caught up and next week is the finale. That's not okay with me.

1-10 Likelihood I Will put The Walking Dead on my must Tivo list: 11. Its on there now. The show is must watch, and if you haven't seen it then PLEASE invest the time.

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