Friday, December 10, 2010

Show Review: 30 Rock

        This post is not going to be an episode review, as it was the last 2 weeks of the semester and I had a ton of work to, I am about 2 episodes behind. Instead I will review what has to be one of the top 5 comedies on TV right now... 30 Rock.
        Headlined by Tina Fey this show features a rotating carousel of A-List guest stars (Al Gore, Seinfeld, Matt Damon, Elizabeth Banks, Selma Hayek just to name a few) and past and present SNL stars to deliver witty dialogue a clip of a joke per 5 seconds.
        Usually shows have to decide early on what kind of comedy they are going to do. Their is fast witty comedic dialogue that keeps viewers interested but fails to deliver too much storyline (Seinfeld would be the most prominent one of these). Then there are shows that sacrifice non-stop wit for a hilarious payoff in the last 5-10 minutes of the show (How I Met Your Mother). Then there is the rare breed of show that can do both simultaneously. They have both an episodic and seasonal goal. The only three shows off the top of my head that do both of those things are: Arrested Development, Friends, and 30 Rock.
        Using a wide variety of cast to make fun of pretty much every demographic, 30 Rock spares nobody. From suave uber rich billionaires (Jack Donaghy), lonely people on the dating scene (Liz Lemon), and completely out of touch actors/actresses (Tracy Jordan/Jenna Maroney) with plenty of other stereotypes in between. The real key to this show is it's touch. They don't hit on the same characters more that 3 or 4 times a season, keeping each characters prospective fresh and new each time they are in the focus of an episode.
        People have been calling for the end of 30 Rock, but their fresh delivery style and fearless wit have made me a firm believer. I say season 6 seasons be damned (currently on number 5)... SHOOT FOR 20! I'll keep watching.

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