Monday, November 29, 2010

This Is My First Post

Since this is my first post, I am going to keep away from what I usually am going to do on this blog. You can expect that in a given day I am going to do the following:
1. Review what I watched last night. For example, if I were actually doing a blog post today I would talk about both Dexter and/or The Walking Dead, and possibly some NFL because lets be honest, thats what Sunday is all about. Do not expect a minute for minute review, but I will definitely talk about what happened.
2. Rate on a scale of 1-10
     A. How I felt the episode rates in terms of what the season is trying to accomplish, what the show is trying to accomplish in terms of overall series plot, etc etc.
     B. How i felt the episode ranks as a stand alone episode, assuming that this was the first episode of the show that I had ever seen.

After I review what I watched  and usually watch on a particular day, I will do my best, for parity's sake to review "the best episode" of a show I don't usually watch. This will be done by polling my facebook friends. For example, the idea of watching Glee came up in class. So I will go on Facebook and post a status saying something along the lines of "What is the best episode of Glee?". When I get that information I will first watch the pilot of Glee, then I will watch the unofficial "Best Episode". After I review the pilot and the best episode I will rate the new show once, and that 1-10 will be the likelihood that I marathon that show, catch up and put it on my DVR for new episodes.

And on top of that, on weekends when there is very little to review I am going to try and do a top 10 list of whatever I feel, because I love top 10 lists, they are conversation and argument starters. The first one will be my 10 favorite shows and then after that I am going to try and do top 10 lists based on comments and suggestions (if there are any).

Before I go any further there is one thing you should know about me: I do not watch most of these shows in their regular time slots. I have a life. I don't spend my prime time hours (8pm-11pm) watching tv shows. I use a variance of both an Xfinity DVR and a multitude of illegal pirating sites, whose URL I will not give out because, to be frank, I like them and don't want them taken off of the internet.

Hopefully you like what I post, I know i'll enjoy it

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